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Our gift to you! Request a free hardback, audiobook, or e-book copy of our best-selling book Selling Energy: Inspiring Ideas That Get More Projects Approved! for you and everyone on your team.... no strings attached! We will even cover the cost for shipping the book within the US.

Perhaps you've heard the story about the VP of Sales who asks the CFO to approve an investment in sales training for his people. The CFO’s immediate reaction is, “What if we train your people and they leave?” The VP Sales immediately replies, “What if we don’t train them and they stay?”

Whether you are a manufacturer, specifying engineer, contractor, utility program manager or account executive, third-party program implementer, eco-entrepreneur, or any other energy-related professional or job-seeker, you are sure to benefit from the insights provided in this book.

This book contains more than 80 short essays, each of which examines a unique aspect of efficiency-focused professional selling. Many originally appeared on the Selling Energy daily email blog and smartphone app, which offer drip-irrigation reinforcement of concepts borrowed from Mark Jewell’s award-winning training courses.

Given the abundance of commercially available energy-saving technologies, talented technologists to apply them, and even generous rebates to help finance them, why in the world aren’t more efficiency projects approved? Based on decades of experience influencing efficiency decision-making in more than three billion square feet of properties, this author concludes that many more projects would be approved if energy professionals were actually trained to “sell” rather than simply “promote” efficiency.

Energy efficiency products, services and programs all require effective selling. Professional sales skills make you more successful at advancing any energy efficiency initiative, regardless of your role in the process.

Praise for the Book

Since its release Selling Energy: Inspiring Ideas That Get More Projects Approved! has been featured on many best-seller lists. Here is a highlight!


Wall Street Journal
Hardback Business


Barnes and Noble


Green Business


Sales and Marketing

